Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ohhhhh Owen!

Yesterday morning's fun with Mom.


{jane} said...

OHHHH, we LOVE how adOrable Owen is! ok, I didn't think he looked like the girls before AND NOW he totally does, so handsome!! AND I LOVE that you are a resident blogger with me - - I will be checking in on you often....the pressure!! :-)

Shannon said...

WOW another fun Blogger!
Your kids are darling! I love that little boy, he is just so dang cute!
we are
It's addicting!!

Jenn Granum said...

He is so adorable! Did you take those pics? So cute.

Sam Clarke said...

I love him as if he were my own son! --Sam

{jane} said...

OK, Rebecca - day or night, night or day - i'm a phone call away for this blog stuff. And I make house calls for free! Luckily, you have a neighborhood full experts at your fingertips...

by the way, I love Sam's comment.

Shannon said...

Now you know you have to keep updating so we can see what is going on in that cute little family! ;)

{jane} said...

Rebecca, I keep checking and there's nothing new - get on the ball girl! Think of it this way, we will be out of town the 7 - 15, so you have that entire time till I will check again...

{jane} said...

This is like taking candy from children - I was SO excited that you were going to become a neighbor-blogger and NOTHING! Come on, Rebecca, SOMETHING is going on in the Clarke home, it's almost Halloween!!!

{jane} said...

ok, in case you haven't been surfing the blogging world as of lately... I "abc" tagged you. YOu can check out my blog to figure out what the HECK I'm talking about.

We missed you at soccer, I think we played our hardest game so far, and we all played our best, it was 7-2, but we lost again.

Get well!!! Try icing your calf a couple of times a day and use hot packs, then stretch it out whenever you can! {I'm such the doctor.} ;-)

The Laundry Queen said...

I just tagged you on my blog! You need to get yours going again! Check out my blog if you want to participate. Happy Mother's Day!